Very Last Day

The weather continues warm and breezy in Devonport, making our departure sad and inevitable. Still we walked into town, had a great breakfast at the Stone Oven, sat in the harborside park with an unidentified black bird, who might actually might be a Black Bird, and browsed leisurely through the Paradox bookshop, unintentionally harvesting five books.

Other photos show restaurants we patronized (Manuka’s and Portofino’s) and the main street looking up toward Mount Victoria, which we ascended on New Year’s Day, a great day to have heightened perspective.

Interior – Stone Oven


Stone Oven Cafe





Breakfast on New Year’s morning

Portofino’s – Dinner New Year’s Eve

Mt. Victoria at the top of the street

The fragrant Jacarinda was blooming and shedding blossoms furiously from the day we arrived. This shot is on the day we departed, as well as the porch garden at Karin’s Garden B & B.

This will be a good place to add the perspective on three week’s of travel, but I am headed for the airport. Will expound later.






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