The Joy of Hawaii

From the top of Diamond Head, Honolulu

So much joy on our Hawaiian expedition doesn’t have any thematic content, except:  “joy.” Here are the highlights of our three-island trip. I’ll let the photo captions tell the story.

At the Luau on Oahu (Whoo-hoo!)

Georges at the Luau: Karah, Sandra, Matt




Wildlife Explorer Sean

Jason, Spencer, Sean at the Luau


Unidentified Natives on Pool Rock Formations

Mt Kea Sunset en route to Visitors’ Center

Sunset atop Mt. Kea (Hawaii)




At Kona Inn


Donna and Victoria at Rainbow Falls

Rainbow Falls

Fire in the Kilauea Caldera

You’ll have to believe me about the fire. My feeble iPhone camera could not pick it up.

Heavenly Hawaiian Coffee Beans

Interior- Christ Memorial Episcopal Church

Rescued Chameleon

After the landing ( Pilot Steve in background)

Hanalei Bay


Helicopter Approach to Lihue

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