On President’s Day my spouse drove by a protest demonstration in Brentwood with forty people waving signs like “Stop Musk,” “Stop the Coup,” and “Power to the People.” Good for them. It was a cold day. They made page A3 of the Post-Dispatch, with a 4×6 photo.and a QR code to find the article .
At the same time much fewer anti-abortion advocates were passing out literature at the Planned Parenthood Central West End health center. Good for them; they made the front page, three columns, and a 5 x 7 photo.
First, shame on the Post-Dispatch for front-paging one protest, while burying another one. Second, the patriots who want administration change have to get as smart as the Pro-Life movement, which always goes to the location of the issue. Maybe the administration-resisters should protest on the Wash U campus, where the loss of federal grants has crippled research or at the Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, which has had most of its employees laid off. And give the Post-Dispatch a call before you do.
Megalomaniac rulers believe that they are resourceful enough to govern alone and that the people who work for them are inter-changeable parts. They assume the government is really a faceless bureaucracy, which can be reformed by putting in new faces. President Trump and Elon Musk may regret their strategies on both counts–their capability and the capability of those who work for them. Phones in Washington will be ringing off the hook with administrative breakdowns. Just wait for it.
For those who want regime change, what should we do? The protesting is great, but apparently media coverage is a problem. We can start by calling our Representatives about the issues we care about: a woman’s right to choose, the environment, Ukraine, assault on DEI, Education. These will be high-profile issues in the next six months. Have you heard of anyone who lost their job because of the DEI purge? Speak up for them! Are you worried about the counter-legislation against Missouri’s right-to-choose amendment? Call your representative!
This is surprisingly easy. An office administrator answers the phone. You state what you want the representative to do. They jot down a “pro” or “con,” and that’s it. This kind of pressure intimidates lawmakers as much as the power of their benefactor, i.e. the Lawless One.
Opposing candidates for the House of Representatives will be coming out to run for office by the end of 2025. We should jump on their campaigns as we are able–at the headquarters or in the neighborhoods. Post campaign signs. Candidates, stop charging for these signs! Congressional representatives will be truly vulnerable in 2026, what with the expected ineptitude of the current administration.
Because citizens don’t tolerate broken promises, we can be confident that the lack of control of inflation will be a campaign issue, even in 2026. We can predict that the potential tariff wars will hit the taxpayers where it hurts. This will inevitably put the wild tariff policies of the current administration in their crosshairs. Voters can definitely blame the administration for making tariffs a high-profile and failing strategy. Another overstep of maniacal self-confidence with a predictable failure. It’s probably not fair to judge an administration on one year’s trends, but no one ever said the voters are patient about their pocketbooks.
Thanks to everyone who stood up for their cause on President’s Day. The rest of us should rejoice that we live in a Constitutional democracy, where change can take place without a real coup. Everyone should start believing in elections, so we can safely elect new representatives without listening to the losers declaring “fraud.” Can we agree that it is primarily a strategy of losers to declare fraud? Put some faith in ourselves to govern as voters.
O.K. , let’s get the politicians nervous, get smart in activism, and get all of us to the polls.