Spreading News

Good morning:

Spreading news from your CoVid anchor Manny Cair-Less reporting on the anniversary of our coming out party in  the United States.

This week brings mixed news:  some territories are taking down their defenses, while all territories are bringing out their heavy artillery, the germ warfare products known to hosts as “vaccines.”.

First the good news: three territories have moved onto the Most Vulnerable Players list by opening their doors to public spreading without masks.  Thanks for the special hospitality extended by Texas, Alabama, and Mississippi. The Midwest and Southeast continue to be our favorite vacation spots with the Devil-May-Care Awards going to Iowa, South Carolina and Oklahoma [https://wallethub.com/edu/states-coronavirus-restrictions/73818].  We appreciate the hospitality extended by the humans in charge of these lovely vacation destinations.

Our medical correspondent Lucy Goosey reports that the vicious vaccine vendetta (V3) is extending nearly to one-third herd immunity in some territories.  The vaccines are said to be 95% deadly against the best intentions of viruses to overthrow healthy bodies around the globe. Nothing seems to stop the V3 in territories known as “Blue” on the American political scene.

And yet we see hope in the so-called “Red” territories, where some spread among the male of the species has been observed. The Red male has been unaccountably resisting the vaccine, while romping unmasked in large gatherings. Virus psychologists cannot explain the behavior, but are encouraging spreaders to seize the opportunity to penetrate lungs in favorite gathering places: bars, restaurants, beaches and political gatherings. The Red males are easily identified by their unprotected breathing ports and defiant glare.

Meanwhile the so-called “Blue” territories are proceeding with their vicious assault on virus-kind. It will soon be impossible for viruses to survive in these hostile environments. It is even difficult for the heroic special forces, known as the “variants,” to survive in this toxic vaccine environment.

So we pin our hopes on the vulnerable Red males welcoming us in the south and midwest. May the Spread be with you!




One thought on “Spreading News

  1. Humorous–and sad that so many people are sickening and dying unnecessarily.
    Loved the writing.

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