Rest in . . . Wait a Minute!

Republicans proved they are the Party of No Class (PNC) when they leaped from the death of one of their honored Supreme Court Justices to insisting that President Obama had no standing to nominate a new justice. Apparently the Constitutional duty to nominate Supreme Court justices does not extend to a Democratic president. Justice Antonin Scalia might well stir at such disrespect, both for him and the Constitution.

Governor John Kasich, notable for his good sense, spoke in last night’s debate about the haste the candidates had taken to move from honoring the passing of a conservative colleague to demanding his replacement await a new administration. Really, is 24 hours too long to remember a justice who graced the Supreme Court for a quarter of a century?

Perhaps it should be expected that a Party that spawned Donald Trump should be jockeying for political position before their comrade had some moments of peace and recognition, but it is disappointing nonetheless. A Supreme Court justice, regardless of his political bent, ought to receive the honor due his service, and Antonin Scalia was a pronounced and outspoken figure in the judiciary. He deserved better.

The high road in politics is increasingly the Road Not Taken