Happy Birthday, Erstwhile Room Mate

That sentimental old archivist shared this work of the early Bill Tucker

Birthday Poem given to Bruce MacIntyre March 6, 1969

(junior year at Hamilton)  

 A broad smiling bass known as MacIntyre

Exhausts gallons of air to respire.

When he takes in a breath,

He threatens the death

Of fifty percent of the choir. 


At seven Bruce springs out of bed

And raises us all from the dead. 

Perhaps we would linger,

He just gives us the finger

With plan “B” we have nothing to dread. 


We have a musician at ‘Phoon

Always humming Gregorian tunes.

He thinks radiators

Are cool syncopators

And plays “Midnight Hour” at noon.  


         – by fellow ‘Phoon, William Tucker [1969]