
photo 1Good night, SuperMoon.

The “Super Moon” comes on the day it is full and closest to the earth, i.e. at perigee. A brooding, unblinking, omnipresent eye studying us and our prospects.

The moon is a glorious night light, casting a glance over the mischief that might come to our doorsteps. Undeserving of the terror or lunacy people ascribe to it,  it presides over darkness. It’s comforting to wake in the middle of the night and see the vigilant eye keeping its watch, even while we were unconscious and vulnerable. Well done, lesser light.  The sun may sleep, but you remain on alert.

A full moon is a good omen, the SuperMoon a super omen. What can we hope for, with such a moon in residence? We hope for the healing of wounds, the calming of suspicions, the dousing of resentments, the hope of reconciliation. Yesterday I was calling for my country to lead a resurgence against ISIS, the ruthless self-appointed instrument of God.   Yesterday I was wondering if the annihilation of Hamas would bring this centuries old conflict to resolution. Yesterday I thought about animosity spewed by PAC’s and partisan politics and wished a pox on the inferior party.  Today I feel the unblinking presence, witness to every treachery, public and secret, and wish it would make vivid  our victim-hood, our grudges, our retaliation.

The SuperMoon’s omen should be something to contemplate! A moon that swoops low and wakes the stubborn in their scheming lairs. Pay attention, mortals, you are playing a fateful hand, perhaps your last on this earth.  Disregard the midnight sentry at your peril. You can’t tempt fate forever.

Goodnight, SuperMoon. Thanks for making us think about forgiveness, for making us wish to forgive, for making us aware.  For coming so close, seeing so much, and returning to witness again.


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